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If it crosses your mind tomorrow morning, I would love prayer.  Having my first book signing from 10-2 at Cotton Kloset (the shop where I stage).  What to pray?  That the people who need a little encouragement in their lives, who need to know that they are intensely loved and can walk hand in hand with Jesus will be there tomorrow.  It might be three people.  It might be thirty.  It doesn’t matter.  My prayer is that when they hand me a book to sign, God will give me some small glimpse of insight into their lives so that I can write something of meaning.

Thanks for your support through every new step of this process.  I appreciate it more than you will ever know.  And I thank Jesus for walking this path with me and giving me little surprise opportunities along the way…

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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