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(Once again and still, my friend Wanda battles her liver cancer.  God has been whispering the word “Breathe” again and again in her ear.  Wanda, precious girl, this one’s for you…xoxoxo)

You took all my infirmities.

You carried all my pain.

You wiped out death and all its threats.

Jesus, do it once again…

This monster living in me

Roars loud and fierce and strong.

But bigger still is He in me

Who whispers all day long…

“Breathe, my precious child, breathe.

Your life is not your own.

I paid the price, Your breath of life.

You’ll never be alone.

Just breathe.

The unknown to you is not to me.

Each breath you take ordained.

My plan for you is still God-breathed,

My love for you the same.

Just breathe…”

Jesus, you once breathed your last

While hanging on a tree.

That tree of LIFE, the great exchange

Where death gave life to me.

You’ve fought this monster many times

His claws You do not fear.

Greater is He who is in me.

Help me, Your voice to hear…

“Breathe, my precious child, breathe.

Your life is not your own.

I paid the price, Your breath of life.

You’ll never be alone.

Just breathe.

The unknown to you is not to me.

Each breath you take ordained.

My plan for you is still God-breathed,

My love for you the same.

Just breathe…”

So in and out

Without a doubt,

I’ll breathe.

And with every breath I take

A joyful noise my voice will make

With One who breathes the breath of Life in me…

“Breathe, my precious child, breathe.

Your life is not your own.

I paid the price, Your breath of life.

You’ll never be alone.

Just breathe.

The unknown to you is not to me.

Each breath you take ordained.

My plan for you is still God-breathed,

My love for you the same.

Just breathe…”

Acts 17:25 & 28 – …He himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else…‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’





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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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