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Well, I ended up bringing my computer to AZ after all…”just in case”.  Of course I haven’t really had time to use it until now.

The family did the Warrior Dash today. It’s a five K race with 10 obstacles to overcome.  I opted out because I’ve had some issues with my legs and hips.  (Besides the fact that it is too darn hot to run in this 90 degree plus heat!)  They had a great time.  Unfortunately, Mark tripped during one of the obstacles and thinks that he might have broken his knee cap.  He came back to the hotel swollen and bloody and in a lot of pain. Poor buddy!  Looks like a trip to the doctor will be in order when we get back home.

Needless to say, I will be the one driving the 13 hours back to Parker tomorrow.  Which is why I’m writing.  I’d love prayer for Mark’s knee, his pain level and that the damage would be less than it appears so that he can continue with his plans for the two races he has coming up in the next month and a half.  I would also like prayer for the drive.  I’ve never driven that many hours straight before.  I’m not a good driver any way, but as a fatigued driver….well, yeah.  Just pray. 🙂

God is so very good and it’s wonderful to see my kids and to watch them rally around their dad when he’s down.  It will be hard to leave them again tomorrow, but every minute is worth every hour spent on the road.


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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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