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Thirty one years ago, a wonderful woman came into my life. A short little woman with an enormous heart.  Little did I know that three years later I would be calling her “Mama J” and she would enhance my life as my mother-in-law.

Today this sweet lady is celebrating her birthday.  She will be inundated with cards and calls of people whom she has touched and blessed over the years.  The friends who experienced her ever-listening ears and always available shoulders to cry and lean on.  The down-and-outers who found her home to be a safe haven of love and acceptance and a second chance at life.  The strangers who were welcomed like friends and hugged fiercely from their first time meeting.  The strays who had no family to run to in their time of need could always count on this precious woman for a hot plate of food and her undivided attention.  The people who watched with wonder at the strength and faith that became ever more evident when she lost a son and later a grandson.

And, of course, her family.  Those of us who have the privilege of calling her “mom” and “nama”.  Who see firsthand the love, generosity, grace and laughter with which this woman lives her life.  Those of us who look to this amazing woman as an example of hospitality and warmth.  And we can only hope to pass on a fraction of the qualities that she has shared with us.

Now Lorna faces a disease that is trying with all its might to rob her.  Alzheimer’s. It is eating at her memory and her words.  It makes conversation more difficult and everyday tasks more complicated.

And yet….what could lead to frustration and bitterness and anger has only accentuated her sweet and caring and tender heart.  Her smile is every bit as big.  Her attitude every bit as positive.  She still wants to love on others and be a contributing, giving part in her community.

As I sit here crying as I write this, I can’t stop there.  Because right beside this beloved, sweet woman stands an also beloved and stunningly sweet man.  My precious father-in-law.  He loves this lady with all of his heart and soul and is caring for her selflessly and without complaint.  He can’t even fathom doing anything else.  (My girls have referenced “The Notebook” when seeing his love for her.)  Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do, Papa.  Yours is the definition of true and unconditional love.

Happy birthday, Mama J!  Thank you for loving Jesus and people with everything in you every day of your life.  Today is your special day.  We honor you.  And I truly hope that you get to enjoy a really good, really big piece of cake that illustrates your sweet, good and big heart.  I love you so very much…. xoxoxoxo



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xo, jana




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