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It’s a strange phenomenon that we so fear the unknown that we choose to remain paralyzed, often in a bad place, rather than risk moving forward or away from something.

It happens in circumstances of abuse, toxic relationships, a bad job environment, a complacent lifestyle. It also happens in areas of obedience to God’s call on our lives.  We feel a tug in a certain direction knowing that there is the possibility of something good out there, but it is unfamiliar and so we’re afraid.  There is a potential for failure or disappointment or hurt and although we’re already experiencing those things in our current situation, we are at least “comfortable” with what we know and how we know to deal with it.

How many experiences have we missed out on because of this?  How many times have we missed blessings beyond our imagination because of the fear of change?  Why are we content (relatively speaking) to stay right where we are when we know there is something out there calling us?  And why oh why do we stay in a bad situation just because it is “safer” than the unknown?

Fear.  There is no other explanation.  We trust in what we can SEE.  We want something tangible in front of us that makes us feel secure in risking that step forward or away.  Something concrete that jives with our logic.

But sometimes the very best things aren’t tangible.  They are invisible and sometimes don’t make any sense at all.  The most beautiful experiences don’t require logic.  They require FAITH.  The opposite of the FEAR that keeps us from those blessings.

What’s the antidote for fear?  Well, 1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…”

Love wipes fear out.  But where do we get PERFECT LOVE?  Where can we find a love that has the power to demolish fear?  In the eyes of Jesus – the One who died to prove His perfect love.

If we begin to understand the immensity of His love for us (1 John 3:1 – See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!) if we start to recognize that we hold the hand of the One who loves us more than human minds can comprehend, fear melts away.

There is an amazing verse that I’ve known forever, but that just flashed bright to me again today.  Deuteronomy 31:8 – The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake youDo not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Many of us are familiar with the part “he will never leave you nor forsake you.”  What a comfort!  But I LOVE the beginning of the verse – “The Lord Himself GOES BEFORE YOU…”  He is walking ahead of us, scoping out the land He is calling us to.  He is already there preparing the way, making it ready for us.  How awesome is that?  We never have to go into unknown territory because He has already been there ahead of us and it is very KNOWN to Him.

So just to be clear, we have a God who loves us more than we can fully fathom, who goes before us to clear the path.  And He calls us to join Him, promising that He will be with us every step of the way and will NEVER leave us or forsake us.  Wow!  Doesn’t all of that just seem to leave fear pathetically trembling in the corner???

Fear has no place in our lives.  It stunts.  It paralyzes.  It robs.  God has so much more for us than survival.  His plan includes thriving in the guarantee of His unconditional, unending, untamed love for us.

Want to step into the thrill of the KNOWN UNKNOWN with me?

Our adventure awaits….:-)

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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