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Mark got home about midnight last night from Cambodia.  Being beyond exhausted, he slept HARD and LOUDLY.  He was talking in his sleep in some foreign language (an unknown tongue, mind you) with sudden outbursts of the only words I could understand – PORK CHOPS!  Amazing what sleep deprivation can do 🙂 I tried to wake him to be part of the interesting conversation he was obviously engaged in, but to no avail…:-)

This morning he presented me with some gifts from Janay’s new ministry/job.

1383625_10200176906305085_410174134_nThe bracelet was handmade by one of the rescued girls who is now making a living by making jewelry and finding new hope and new life.  Daughters of Cambodia (and Sons of Cambodia) have a store where these types of things are sold to support the newfound skills and livelihood of these rescued souls.

1395855_10200176676419338_157267523_nIsn’t it beautiful?  And knowing where it comes from makes it all the more precious.  This will now grace my wrist daily as I pray for Janay and all these precious lives that Jesus is transforming.

So thankful that Mark got to see what Janay will be doing and where she will be living.  I know it meant the world to her to have him there.  She so wanted him to have a third world experience.

Thanks so much, babe.  Amazing memories were made for both of you.  Priceless.

Now, about those pork chops….

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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