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Starting this past Friday, the weekend was filled with days spent with wonderful women, great conversations and fun outings. Incredible women from my past and present that have and continue to enhance my life and challenge my heart and mind with their quick wits and wise words.

So this morning, back at Tully’s, I’m feeling that things are a bit too quiet.  Even the coffee shop isn’t as busy as it usually is.  A slow Monday where not even the sun has woken up enough to pop through these very unusual clouds.

I fight the feeling of wanting to walk back home and crawl under a soft blanket with my puppies and write.

But I won’t.

Because this is where Jesus is asking me to be.  To listen for His still, small voice away from the distractions that call my name at home.  Away from the other creative endeavors that taunt me within the walls of 415 Abbie Street.  In this faux leather chair in the corner I hear better, see better and stay more focused on what God is doing in and around me.  This chair is where Jesus and I have our extended silent conversations.  Where He gently reminds me that no time is wasted here in this chair, at this computer, with Him and with the people who will surround me today.  I tell Him what is on my heart, ask my burning questions, and thank Him for who He is not just in the large and broad sense but for who He is in my little life, to my little heart. There will be time later for all else that awaits to be done, explored and experienced.

In the next 2 1/2 hours I will seek out no one but Him, but will be available to any and all He may bring my way.  Released from the pressure to “make” things happen and freed to instead “watch” things happen.  Smack dab in the middle of letting go of the old habits of unreasonable expectations and self-induced obligations and leaning instead into a deliberate “whatever will be, will be” mentality, be it writing, conversation or quiet insight and learning.

After all, this is just another leg of the journey.  There will be days of passionate  energy and days of exhausted silence, and the myriad of days in between that offer anything from the mundane to the insane.

But every day, given to and spent with Him, can be lived with great purpose, regardless of its 24 hour result.  Because every day holds enough time for love and kindness, grace and mercy.

And I like that…

Psalm 118:24 – This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Colossians 4:5 – Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.

John 13:34-35 – “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”



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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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