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Wasting NO Time

Starting this past Friday, the weekend was filled with days spent with wonderful women, great conversations and fun outings. Incredible women from my past and present that have and continue to enhance my life and challenge my heart and mind with their quick wits and...

Licking The Knife

There is something about peanut butter that is just irresistible.   Just ask the residents at the nursing home where my friend Anne and I do crafts each week. Our project yesterday?  Bird feeders.  A pine cone covered with peanut butter and birdseed hung by a...

I'll Drink (coffee) To That!

I brought in treats for my coffee shop grandpas today.  The group of about 10 that graces Tully’s every Wednesday.  They were thrilled, of course, so I went back to my corner chair to let them enjoy their applesauce cake.  A little while later, one of the...

Dry Run

Sometimes the music’s not playing… I love, love, love music.  I set the background of music to as much of my world as I possibly can.  Pandora when I’m baking, cleaning, writing, driving.  The music channels for ambiance when guests come over.  It...


Alabaster. It came to mind yesterday when a friend mentioned the story of the woman who anointed Jesus.  I went through the four gospels this morning, three of which were very similar, the Luke passage standing out as different: Matthew 26:6-13 While Jesus was in...

Hands On

Next time I see a piece of handmade pottery, I will be much more appreciative. I just read the step by step process needed to make a single piece.  It takes time.  Lots of time. Days and days.  It takes work and creativity and patience.  It requires being okay with...