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yoga on cliff


This phrase has been scripted in various forms on Pinterest lately.

Such a simple, almost childlike, phrase, but it has become my mantra lately.

 – When the physicality of my job threatens to leave me in a heap on the floor.

– When I am missing my kids and extended family to the point of tears.

– When uncomfortable situations arise that make me want to run the other way.

– When I need to adjust my attitude and it’s at the bottom of the list of things I want to do.

– When God asks me to do something that falls way outside the limitations of my comfort box.

Have you been there?

It seems that each day has a few times in it when this phrase needs to be applied.



Whether it’s the discipline to do or NOT to do certain things or simply taking a step in the right direction, I say this phrase out loud to myself as a reminder.

And at the tail end of this phrase, Jesus brings the words that always need to follow…

“through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)

Breaking my mantra down further, helps me grasp this truth as reality –

I can do hard things – I was created to face this decision, this experience, this circumstance.  God allowed it or brought me to it or it to me for a reason. (Romans 8:28)

I  CAN  do hard things – It is possible.  When everything points to CAN’T, God tells me I can, with the strength of His presence and His promises. (Matthew 19:26)

I can DO hard things – This is an active, not passive, phrase.  I’m not meant to just think or worry or stew about it.  I can do something about it because God and His word are alive and active in me. (Hebrews 4:12)

I can do HARD things – I was made to face obstacles and difficulties, not just the easy and comfortable things in life.  I am equipped to handle the unexpected, the undesirable and the disappointing because of the words of God Himself.  (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

I can do hard THINGS – No matter how difficult a decision or action or situation is, they are still just things.  Things that can’t stop God’s love or plan for me, and are most like things that will only reveal His love and plan more clearly. (Romans 8:38-39)


Not because of who I am, but because of what I am – His Daughter – and who He is – My Father, my Counselor, my Friend.  The all-powerful Source who gives me life and breath and eternity.

How could I NOT do hard things?

I am picking one hard thing today to face boldly with this phrase and the promises of God.  De-staging a 5800 square foot house while physically fatigued.

What will you choose today?  Just one thing that you will walk into with the power and presence of Jesus giving you strength and the ability to do what needs to be done.

I would love to hear what you chose and how God revealed His strength in and through you, true to His word, as you stepped forward in faith and confidence!


(By the time I posted this, I was finished with my 5800 sq foot de-staging job.  It was long day with lots of sweat and sore muscles.  It was HARD.  But God gave me the strength to complete the task.  He provided my new partner in crime – my new friend and business partner, Charmaine – to help with the enormity of the job.  He gave me everything necessary to do what I needed to do.  I really can do hard things….:-) )

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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