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With the horror of what happened in Florida this past weekend, there is one verse that comes to mind –


“Jesus wept.”  (John 11:35)

The footage of the sounds of those repeated gun shots still rings in our ears.  The overwhelming grief of family and friends of the victims caught on camera wrecks our hearts.

A vice of sick terror grips us when we see what pure evil is capable of.  We find ourselves left with more questions than actual answers. More fear and anger than we know what to do with.

Why?  How?

Jesus weeps.

Jesus weeps

He cries for the souls who never saw it coming.  Whose lives were cut short by an act so putrid that it leaves His stomach sour.

Tears mark His face for the grief of those left behind at the scene.  The survivors who will bear the scars of witnessing something so horrific and whose lives will never again be the same.

His tender heart breaks with the family and friends who feel a loss so deep they cannot imagine another tomorrow.


He grieves the evil that found its way into the man’s heart and mind that did this.  The brainwashing of a radical religion that destroys both its followers and those who fight against it.  A religion that has nothing to do with the love of His Father and could not be in greater opposition to it.

He cries with us in our lingering questions and fears.  He understands what it’s like to live in a world where everything is upside down and backwards.  Where countless things don’t make sense and evil so often has its way.

Jesus weeps.

I don’t have the answers.  I don’t know how or why these things happen in this broken world.  I’m left with the same ache in my gut that everyone feels with what is happening in our nation.

But this I know.

God is with us.  Feeling our pain.  Understanding our grief.  Lamenting with us the decay of His creation.  Holding our souls next to His own.

Jesus weeps.

And we are not alone….

Psalm 56:8 – You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.



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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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