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This randomly came across my computer screen the other day and stopped me in my tracks. I don’t know who painted this picture.  I can’t try to imagine all that was going through the artist’s mind when he/she created this.

All I know is how it hit me. It captured exactly how I envision my relationship with Jesus. I couldn’t stop staring at the nuances that resonated so deeply with who Jesus is.

Who I am to Him.

Look at the little girl’s joy in telling Jesus something about her day.  Her heart.

Notice how she plays with her toes as she talks.  Just being her little cute self, with all the characteristics of a trusting child.  Unrushed.  Relaxed.  At ease.

Now look at Jesus.  Completely invested in her story.  Fully immersed in her joy.  His body language conveying that He has all the time in the world to listen well.  He is looking into her face and seeing her soul.  Understanding.  Loving.  Enjoying this child of His.

You can see that she sees Him as her Friend.  That she feels safe to confide. She loves Him for who He is and not for what He has done.

It’s obvious that there is no place He would rather be than by her side, immersed in conversation.

I imagine Jesus sharing His heart with this child, too.  Telling her stories of what HE did that day and what HIS heart longs for.

I see Him winking at her as He tells her how much He loves her.  Which makes her giggle and respond in kind.

Their relationship blesses both of them.  Deeply satisfies their souls’ desire to connect.

No doubt this sweet time finished off with a hug.  Those chubby arms around His neck as He holds her close.

And then they go back into their waiting day.  Hand in hand.  Heart in heart.

Now picture YOU in that picture.  YOU are that child.  HIS child.  YOU are in the position she’s in:  Safe.  Heard.  Free to be exactly who He made you to be.  Content and delighted in His presence. Excited to hear His heart.

And there Jesus is.  Listening to YOU.  Talking with YOU.  Engrossed in the conversation, fully committed to the relationship that YOU share. Understanding YOU.  Delighted in YOUR presence in His life.

There is winking and laughing and giggling as the two of YOU share and dream together.

And the embrace that comes with each time spent together.  Strengthening YOU.  Encouraging YOU.  Readying YOU to go into this new day hand-in-hand with YOUR friend.

There are too many unknowns to count in this day and all the others that will follow.

But YOU are known.  YOUR path and HIS plan are known by HIM.  And HIS hand is YOURS in every step of this journey of YOUR life.

YOU are His child.

Sit with Him for a bit today and just soak that in.  The reality that this picture conveys is life-changing.

Enjoy being His child.  Allow yourself to be a Daddy’s girl/boy.  Share with Him.  Listen to Him.  Learn from Him.  Dream with Him.  Let Him look into your eyes and see your heart and you will see His.

Matthew 19:14 – But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”

Mark 10:16 – And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.

1 John 3:1 – See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!

John 15:15 – I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.


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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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