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Don’t you hate it when your best intentions are thwarted by either mistakes of your own or circumstances beyond your control?

That is when you have to do another hard thing – DON’T GIVE UP! If Jesus gave the idea, the nudging, then it is still on His heart for your growth.

The first two things on my list did not go as I planned:

  1.  I made my counseling appointment.  And then my sweet mama reminded me that that is the same day and time that I am supposed to be at the airport picking up my dad and her when they come for a visit.  My bad.
  2.  I made cookies for my neighbors.  I had every intention of passing them out last night when everyone got home from work.  No go.  Not a single one of them was home.

So I’m zero for two at this point.

Now, my initial instinct would be to say, “Well, I tried!” and  move on to the next thing.

But both of those things are too important to put on the back burner.  My emotional health and reaching out to my neighbors.

At this point, I defer to William Edward Hickson, who first penned,

“‘Tis a lesson you should heed: Try, try, try again. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.”

(I had no idea there was a third “try” in the saying…now even more compelling! 🙂 )

I texted my counselor to change the appointment and I will try and deliver the cookies again today.

Now one of those frustrations I couldn’t control.  But one was my own poor planning.  Which leads me to my third hard thing today.

I am going to go and get organizational things that will help me plan better, function better and be more intentional with my schedule.

Most of you are probably saying, “Wait.  That is definitely not a hard thing.  You are cheating, sister!  And besides, I thought you were doing hard things for your mind and soul, things that will bring your heart closer to Jesus and will help you love others better.”

Let me stop you right there.  First, if you know me at all, you know that true organization scares the crap out of me.  It overwhelms me.  Planning makes my heart pound out of my chest. And not in a good way.  Mark is the planner in this marriage.  I’m just the random gal who flies by the seat of her pants most of the time. So, yes, this really IS hard for me.

Secondly, it definitely has to do with my mind and soul.  It’s bending my mind in a way it doesn’t naturally work.  And it has to do with my soul because if I am wanting to grow in areas I think God is directing, I need to step up my organizational game.  Schedules affect people, plans affect what gets done and what doesn’t for myself and others. It will also, hopefully, manage the chaos of my brain which otherwise can add fuel to my anxious heart (soul).

I have a daughter who cannot walk into Hobby Lobby without having a minor panic attack.  All those choices in crafting ware overwhelm her.  It puts her normally calm and easy-going mind into a tizzy. Just not her thing.

This is my response in Office Max.  Rows and rows of things I would love to know how to use, but don’t.  Too many choices in organizational tools that don’t compute with the creative mind.  I usually walk out with computer paper and a cute journal and go back to my unplanned ways.

But this is a year of growth.  Being more intentional with my time, my plans, my calendar is a must for God to use me in the ways I think He wants.  He and others are my motivation, but my mind and soul will benefit.

So today I will make a list (UGH!!!) of specific items to purchase and will get in and get out as fast as I can!  Then I will come home and actually put those things into place and start using them.  (My family and friends are nodding and saying “We’ll see how long this will last…”) But Jesus is going with me and He says He’s going to help me in this area.

In Ephesians 4, Paul is speaking to the church about being united and growing up and together in love and truth.  But it also applies to us as individuals so that we CAN do that together as a church.  Verse 15 says:

“but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ…”  

All of the aspects of who we are – mind, body, soul, spirit – were made to grow up and into Him. Abundant life, fulfilled purpose, strengthened church and community, requires individual growth.

So when I head down those aisles of horror today, hand-in-hand with Jesus, I will remember why it’s important to learn how to better use a calendar.  Growth for His purposes.  For Him.  For the people He loves.

I will never be as naturally organized in thought or practicality as so many of my friends.

But when I look in the mirror tomorrow, I will know that I stepped out of comfort for the better good in one small way.

What will you do today?  What Is the verse you will take with you as you do that one hard thing with Jesus?

Enjoy your weekend and I will be back on Monday!

Cheering you on,


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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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