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The title of this Blog series might sound like the declaration a judge might make in a courtroom. “30 to life” indicating the amount of time you’re sentenced to prison.’

But, actually, we’re going to flip that phrase inside out.

For the next 30 days I’ll be sharing with you how to be RELEASED from a type of prison.  The prison that I’ve been released from in this past year.  The prison I still daily need to remind myself I never need to return to again.

It’s the solitary confinement of Shame. That cold and lonely place that separates us from others and keeps us from experiencing life “on the outside”.

It’s epidemic.  I had no idea.

The more I started recognizing the forms it had taken in my own life and talking with countless other women over the course of the past 12 months who have their own stories of Shame, the more it became clear that too many of us are paralyzed/broken/trapped in the lies it tells us.

Still not convinced you’re one of us?

You might be right.  But chances are, you’ve just called Shame by other names. Names like:








And those are just MY personal Shame-based culprits!

If any of those ring a bell for you, stick with me for the next 30 days.  I’ll be sharing my own personal stories as well as referencing scripture and other experts in the field.

The journey out of Shame’s prison has been intensive, brutal work.  Be prepared!  But I can tell you that what I have learned through study, counseling and deep intimacy with God and His word has CHANGED MY LIFE!

After a solid year, shackles of wrong thinking have loosened.  Chains of mental and emotional bondage have broken in two.

I’m stepping out of the cell I once was unaware I was living in.

I’m tasting, feeling, smelling sweet freedom.  And it feels like fresh air in every aspect of my life!

It’s a new year and there’s no better time to start this journey to freedom.  Join me for the next 30 days.  You have nothing to lose but the bars that have held you back for too long.

And I’ll be right here. 🙂



Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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