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Clowns And Soldiers

I walk into my tiny, over-stuffed closet and feel that familiar pit in my stomach. I feel my blood pressure rise in degrees, as if my clothes, wedged like angry clowns in a tiny car, are about to jump off their hangers and attack me for putting them in this position....

I Can Do Hard Things

I CAN DO HARD THINGS. This phrase has been scripted in various forms on Pinterest lately. Such a simple, almost childlike, phrase, but it has become my mantra lately.  – When the physicality of my job threatens to leave me in a heap on the floor. – When I...

Let It Rain

(This was written yesterday, when I woke to unexpected rain…) It’s raining. As I sit here at my desk looking out at the parched ground drinking in every sweet drop of beautiful hydration, my heart sighs. It’s a really big deal when it rains here. We...

Nothing Is For Nothing

You know those times when “life” things go caddywompus and you’re left scratching your head and saying, “What the….?” On Monday I had a job that was nearly an hour away.  It was a large home which meant two trips back and forth for...