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My mind has been dancing the past couple of days with ideas for my next book.  With “HANDled” (the book I am currently in the process of publishing) in the final stages of editing with the publisher, my mind is running to start on a new project. As I wrote...

Fairy Tale

(Here is the rough draft of the forward/first chapter of my book.  It is the backdrop and illustration that I will refer to throughout the book about our growing and deepening intimacy with God.  Would love feedback…is the correlation clear?) Once upon a time,...


From before our creation, God has had His hands on us. And ever since, He has used His hands in our lives to hold us, to mold us, to strengthen us, to transform us.   Since the beginning of time, He has used His hands both figuratively and literally to draw us into a...

As Our Journey Begins….

(When you see posts like this in the “book excerpts” category, they are thoughts that I am pulling together for the “book” that is in its beginning stages.  I won’t post everything that I pass on to my editor, but will put things up...

Book Intro

(This is a rough draft of the intro/premise of my book.  Would love feedback on what you think….is it clear?  Does it make sense?  Be honest….I can take it 🙂  I have made changes since I’ve received comments…) Loving Jesus.  The most profound...