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Call Me A Tattletale

Call me a tattletale. I can live with it. But I’ve just got to tell on Jesus this morning… This week I got the sweet opportunity to work alongside a precious girl from Cambodia. She doesn’t look like the other people in her country. Her skin is fair...

Now Every Day's A Birth-Day

Fifty-one years ago today, a beautiful baby boy graced this planet.  With a full head of dark hair and a sweet round face, he joined a unit of three and made it a family of four (which would later become five). For 29 years his smile charmed anyone he met and his huge...

White Flag Waving Once Again

Flashbacks of a girl in an airport flood her mind…. 1981. Her hand pressed up against the glass, her teary eyes leaking onto her flushed cheeks.  She was saying goodbye to the man who had captured her teenage heart, as he headed back to college. She tried to...

On The Back Side of My Backside

Right after I published my last post, my dad sent me this, explaining the reason why I have the backside of a farmer: This is my dad and my grandpa on their farmer in Eastern Washington. SO. PRECIOUS. Smile.  Tears. Now, more than ever, I see why I need to take this...

And Suddenly

And then the phone rang…. She picked it up and the voice that met hers was warm and as familiar as her own name. It was her first love, the first man who had ever held her in his arms and kissed her. Her dad. She quickly forgot her list of to-do’s and...

But She Knows Love….

After taking a little break from writing, there is nothing that could stop the knee jerk reaction that this picture caused in my soul…. From any angle this is an adorable picture. But through the scope of their reality, it’s nothing short of beautiful....