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The Rest

This was the give-away last night with a camomile tea bag inside – a reminder that sometimes really good things happen in our times of rest and quiet.  It’s where (as Piglet said to Pooh) we can be “listening to all the things you can’t hear”....

Full Time Job

I’m sure that at least a few of you out there are wondering, “Why isn’t she working?  Did she take an early retirement and is now just sitting around the house watching t.v. and eating the proverbial bon bons?” When we first moved here three...

Ya Gotta Laugh

Laughter. There’s a reason that we call it the best medicine.   It’s powerful stuff. A small dose can relieve tension, change our perspective and even break down walls. A large dose can turn a room full of strangers into a breeding ground for trust,...

Best-Laid Plans

Tonight Two Or Three begins. Tonight women from all walks of life will be sitting on my couches, most meeting for the first time. Tonight we’ll see what God has up His sleeve… Oh, I have my plans and dreams for this group. I dream that this home will be a...