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I Do

I Do

This past weekend I had the unique/exciting/terrifying opportunity to “stage” for a wedding with my friend, and business partner, Lori. Neither one of us even knew that was a thing. Basically, we freed up the mother of the bride to focus on her daughter...
Wait For It…

Wait For It…

As I trudge up the four sets of stairs and struggle to find a switch to shed some light on every dark and unfamiliar corner so that I don’t fall down these steps one more time, I’m reminded that this is not my home. Don’t get me wrong.  I’m...
The Right Moves

The Right Moves

Though this story really begins with the moment of my conception (as it does for every one of us), I will spare you a half century of details and jump ahead to the past three years. In the spring of 2013, Mark and I began a journey we could not have anticipated. And...

Being Child-ish

This randomly came across my computer screen the other day and stopped me in my tracks. I don’t know who painted this picture.  I can’t try to imagine all that was going through the artist’s mind when he/she created this. All I know is how it hit...
Looking Up

Looking Up

Did you see the moon Monday night???? This is the picture I captured with my iPhone. It was a rare occurrence.  The last moon like this graced the sky when I was four years old.  The June solstice (first day of summer and longest day of the year) met with a full moon...